• Specialist in shoulder, neck problems & headaches
  • 25 years experience and teacher of massage techniques
  • 14 years as Clinical & Remedial Massage Therapist/Aromatherapist at The Disability Foundation (based at Stanmore Orthopaedic Hospital)
  • Back pain/Pregnancy massage/Adolescence/Sciatica
  • Reiki and Spiritual Healer/Energy work
  • Currently studying TMD (Temporomandibular disorder), TMJ issues, (disorders of the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and the nerves linked to chronic facial pain)

Many satisfied patients, references on request (some can be seen in testimonials section)



    Clinical Massage is a method of massage therapy using a combination of techniques to achieve a specific outcome. That maybe an increase in range of movement, reduction in pain, improved posture and therefore state of mind. This type of treatment is tailored to you.


    Many of the techniques used in clinical massage are the similar as those used in sports massage, but they are applied to a less active patient. Massage does not need to be too painful to be effective; the concept of a ‘good pain’ applies to clinical massage where the source of pain is addressed slowly and sensitively, working with the patient who is always in control. Some areas maybe painful if the body is being released but the therapist will work with you and talk you through the why and only go to a level you find acceptable.

    Clinical massage also emphasises self-care. The therapist will discuss lifestyle issues if appropriate or teach the patient to do exercises or relaxation techniques at home to ensure that they are fully involved and in control of their recovery.

    There are many techniques including Remedial/Deep Tissue Massage that are combined to create the most effective treatment for your condition.  Some of these are:

    • Deep Tissue – cross-fibre friction or static pressure using thumbs, fingers, forearms or elbows is applied specifically to areas of muscle that are restricted to release the tissue, enabling it to resume its full length and functionality.
    • Myofascial Release – Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds all fibres, nerves, blood vessels and structures of the body. Adhesions and restrictions in fascia cause pain and dysfunction of muscles and joints and releasing the fascia enables the therapist to work deeper and effectively.
    • Trigger Point Release – Trigger points are constricted areas in a muscle that are tender to touch and produce a referral in pain. Locating and releasing these points are done through a combination of deep tissue work and myofascial release.
    • Acupressure – Acupressure points are located all over the body and are used in eastern medical practice to treat many pain conditions and illness. Knowledge of these points help a clinical massage therapist to treat many conditions more effectively.
    • Stretching – Stretches help to return muscles to their full length and flexibility.  Stretching may be passive where the therapist does the work, or may require resistance or co-operation.

    The best combination of treatments to help you will be decided once your medical consultation is done.


  • Massage

    Remedial/Deep Tissue Massage

    What is Remedial/Deep Tissue Massage?

    Remedial/deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders.

    Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage therapy, but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain.

    How Does Remedial/Deep Tissue Massage Work?

    When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

    Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation.

    Remedial/deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist often uses direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles.

    Benefits of Remedial/Deep Tissue Massage:

    Unlike classic massage therapy, which is used for relaxation, remedial/deep tissue massage usually focuses on a specific problem, such as:

    • Chronic pain
    • Limited mobility
    • Recovery from injuries (e.g. whiplash, falls, sports injury)
    • Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Postural problems
    • Osteoarthritis pain
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Muscle tension or spasm
  • Pregnancy/Postnatal Massage

    Pregnancy and postnatal Massage and when your child is a toddler

    Just one referral I received from April Posner who was suffering with bad sciatica prior in her last month of pregnancy: "Just wanted to say another huge thank you for sorting my back out!!! Don't know what I would've done without you! Baby due in just over a week & I can actually walk again! Thank you my angel xxx"

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! Pregnancy causes your body to undergo numerous changes and your body will spend the entire pregnancy adapting accordingly. Pregnant women can often feel a lot of pressure when they carry a baby, as they are suddenly responsible for the lives and health of two people. This can result in unnecessary feelings of stress and worry. During pregnancy, women need support as they try to feel 'normal' while a new life grows inside them.


    Regular massage sessions throughout pregnancy are a great way to relieve any problematic physical symptoms of pregnancy. It works to support your vitality and overall health.

    As your body goes through many changes with pregnancy, some women find that these alterations can cause pain. Massage can help to reduce this problem by doing the following:

    • Reduce fluid retention
    • Ease muscle pain & cramps
    • Diminish headaches
    • Help with swollen legs, ankles & hands/body
    • Lessen varicose veins
    • Relieve aches in muscles and joints
    • Help with sciatica nerve pain
    • Naturally decrease gas, heartburn, indigestion, and constipation

    "Massage is very effective in treating fatigue and stressing during pregnancy, boosting your energy levels and helping you look and feel at your best"

    What should I expect during a session?

    Firstly I will do a medical consultation to check your medical history. Then depending on how many months pregnant you are and the issues I need to treat, You will either be on my treatment table or on my sit up massage chair which has a space for the baby and still allows you to relax.

    Postnatal Massage

    A postnatal massage is a great way to relieve the tension that can build up during pregnancy and ultimately during the birthing process. It is important to look after yourself after the baby arrives as well as while you are pregnant. Massage is also a great way to help you to deal with the stress and physical demands of caring for a newborn. Babies need carrying, feeding and rocking which puts a lot of pressure on the back, shoulders and neck for the mother.

    Toddler stage

    As your child gets a bit older, it’s common for mothers to carry their child on their hips while they get other things done (we are great at multi tasking) but alas this is not good for your posture and can cause all sorts of pains. Getting children in and out of car seats, especially as they get heavier can twist the body and give pain in the lower and upper back. All this is treatable.

    Please contact me if you have any questions

  • Aromatherapy

    Aromatherapy can be defined as the ancient art and science of blending naturally extracted essential oils from aromatic plants, to balance, harmonise and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. Essential oils can only be extracted from aromatic plants, including flowers, leaves, roots, resins, seeds and fruit, with each essential oil having its own unique healing properties. Aromatherapy is one of the most popular forms of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). It promotes health and aromatherapy massage may help alleviate a variety of minor medical conditions. Aromatherapy aims to enhance well-being, relieve stress and help in the rejuvenation and regeneration of the human body. Essential oils have the unique ability of working not just on physical conditions when used with massage, but they can also have a positive effect on emotional wellbeing. Aromatherapy can provide a relaxing and calming effect for those suffering with mental health problems, dementia and those receiving palliative care. As a result, it is also used in a variety of settings, including hospitals and hospices. Today, aromatherapy is widely accepted by orthodox and complementary practitioners as one of the most comprehensive natural therapies. In a typical aromatherapy session, the aromatherapist will ask questions about previous medical history, general health, wellbeing and lifestyle. This helps the practitioner to choose and blend the safest and most appropriate essential oils for the individual. The oils may be applied in combination with massage or the aromatherapist may suggest other methods.
    • When combined with massage it helps ease body stress, muscle aches and potentially aid sleep.
    • The relief of stress and tension
    • A feeling of deep relaxation
    • Stimulated immune system
    • A calm and soothed mind
    • Improved blood and lymph circulation
    • Relief from back problems
    • Increased energy levels
    • A general sense of well being
    • Healing benefits
  • Myofascial Release

    What Is Myofascial Release?

    Myofascial release (MFR) therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. There are a number of conditions and symptoms that myofascial release therapy addresses.

    Many patients seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or function following an injury or if experiencing ongoing back, shoulder, hip, or virtually pain in any area containing soft tissue.

    Other conditions treated by myofascial release therapy include Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome, or possibly fibromyalgia or migraine headaches. Patient symptoms usually include:

    Tightness of the tissues that restricts motion or pulls the body out of alignment, causing individuals to favour and overuse one hip or shoulder, for example

    • A sense of excessive pressure on muscles or joints that produces pain
    • Pain in any part or parts of the body, including headache or back pain.

    What is Fascia?

    Fascia supports and holds your body together. It is a membranous connective tissue made of collagen and elastin fibres and a lubricating ground substance. Fascia has a tensile strength of 2000lbs per square inch, it is incredibly strong. It surrounds and connects your muscles, bones, organs, nerves, and blood vessels.

    Picture an orange: The orange peel is like the skin, the soft white inner layer of the peel is the superficial fascia just under the skin; the membranes that wrap each section of the orange is like the deep fascia that surrounds the muscles; and each juicy cell is wrapped in more fascia, which is like the fascia surrounding individual muscle fibres.

    Causes of Myofascial Pain

    Myofascial pain can have two sources. Pain can be generated from the skeletal muscle or connective tissues that are 'bound down' by tight fascia. In addition, pain can also be generated from damaged myofascial tissue itself, sometimes at a 'trigger point' where a contraction of muscle fibres has occurred. In either case, the restriction or contraction inhibits blood flow to the affected structures, thus accentuating the contraction process further unless the area is treated.

  • Healing/Energy Work


    I've been a Remedial Massage Therapist/Aromatherapist/Healer for over 24 years now and worked just over 14 years for The Disability foundation at Stanmore Orthopaedic Hospital as well as having taught Advanced Massage Workshops and practiced within a Private GP Surgery in Stanmore.

    Within this time, I've always believed in the power of healing. I've been blessed with the gift of touch and believed in spiritual healing and to advance my healing abilities, did my first reiki course 19 years ago followed a few years later by my reiki 2. Since then, I have done healing for patients of mine that have asked (you should always wait to be asked for healing) and also had patients that I was massaging suddenly say to me "you're a healer aren't you! .. I can feel your energy".

    A few days ago I had a patient who has been with me for years ask for some healing to clear some emotional trauma. It was such a powerful session for them and they felt so relieved, good and energised after, that it's made me want to write this right now as they told me I should promote my healing more.

    Issues that can be helped can be from relationships that have caused and still cause anxiety and pain, to traumas that you feel are difficult to let go of or could be an injury or disease that no one else knows how to treat. I like to do some remedial work first to clear the physical blockages and then work to clear the emotional ones.

    Please contact me if you have any further questions.

    Over my many years as a remedial therapist and healer I have also done some training in counselling to compliment my healing.

    What is Healing?

    Healing is an holistic approach to facilitating the return journey to health. It involves tracing the cause of any suffering through the physical and emotional symptoms to its roots deep within our psyche.

    Our natural flow of energy always moves towards perfect health and well-being. However, when faced with difficulties in our life which we find too painful to accept, we tend to hold this unresolved energy in our aura.

    This creates blockages in our energy field which then depletes our vitality and can lead to ill-health and suffering.

    With the assistance of the hands-on skills of a Healer, we can be guided into bringing these blockages to light and releasing them. This enables healing on all levels including physical health, emotional well-being, relationships and spiritual realisation.

    The healer may also guide the client in a process of inner inquiry as to the cause of their condition. This takes the healing deeper and encourages the client in creating their own health and wellbeing.

    Cancer and healing

    Published by – see

    People with breast cancer often have physical symptoms to deal with on a daily basis, such as pain, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. Some of these come from the disease itself. Others are side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, or hormonal therapy.

    While scientific research on most complementary therapies is relatively new and the studies are small, early results show that some complementary therapies may help ease physical and emotional symptoms in some people. When combined with conventional medicine, complementary therapies may offer a more integrated approach to healing.

    Each complementary therapy works on different symptoms. Below are some of the most common symptoms and side effects of breast cancer and treatment and the complementary therapies that have been reported to help.

    Please contact me with any questions you have.


  • Adolescents Treatment

    Why adolescents massage?

    Those of you that have teenagers know that we’re currently in very stressful times that can affect your child not only mentally but physically. What I hear from parents is that their child has been sitting on a laptop in bed, hunched over for hours looking down or on their ipad or mobile and has been complaining of neck, upper back and other pains. Back in my day, we had desks to keep all our school books in, Nowadays children are carrying extremely heavy bags containing all their books around with them all day. I have successfully treated many adolescents experiencing exam stress too. Many students studying for their GCSEs or A levels + come to me as it’s all become a bit much!

    Benefits of adolescents massage include:

    • Boosting childs immune system
    • Relaxation
    • Easing tense/stressed muscles
    • Reducing headaches
    • Anxiety
    • Insomnia
    • Depression


  • Temporomandibular Disorders

    I am currently studying: TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DISORDERS.
    • Signs of TMD include:
    • Pain around your jaw, ear and temple
    • Clicking, popping or grinding noises when you move your jaw
    • A headache around your temples
    • Difficulty opening your mouth fully
    • Your jaw locking when you open your mouth
    The pain may be worse when chewing and when you feel stressed. TMD can also stop you getting a good night's sleep. People with TMD have also reported having tinnitus, migraines, ear problems, throat problems and visual disturbances. These are usually checked by the relevant medical practitioner and then they may seek alternative therapy when an answer has not been found.
  • Most of us are aware that therapeutic massage feels amazing; but massage also provides relief to a multitude of specific health concerns.

    Therapeutic massage has been proven beneficial in reducing muscular pain and tension; relieving lower back pain; lessening depression; giving K.O.'s to sleep disorders, lowering high blood pressure, increasing flexibility, and much more! Experts believe that 90% of stress accounts for 80-90% of illnesses and disease.

    As massage is a great stress-reliever, you can see that we can avoid a lot of current, stress-related illnesses via massage therapy. As mentioned above, there are several reasons why people seek massage. Below are the top ten reasons why most people seek massage:

    1. Massage feels great!

    Massage can be a wonderful experience for deep relaxation. Post massage leaves your body and mind feeling at amazing ease.

    2. Pain Relief

    Massage provides significant reduction in back pain, (including lower back pain), migraine headaches, neck aches, shoulder pain, joint pain, overused or sore muscles, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and muscle injuries. A regular massage loosens all this unnecessary tension!

    3. Stress!

    That overworked, overwhelmed, spaced-out feeling. Massage provides deep relaxation lessening your muscle tension and lowering your blood pressure (by reducing heart and pulse rates). Massage increases your mental clarity, heightens mental alertness, and revitalizes your mind. Massage also increases academic performance and ability to focus on calculations.

    4. Combating age

    Massage therapy and bodywork improves immune system functioning while relieving muscle aches and stiffness. Massage also enhances tissue elasticity and joint flexibility; improves blood and lymph circulation; and promotes healthy vibrant skin.

    5. Calming Emotions

    You'd be surprised at the number of people who receive regular massage treatments as an alternative to 'dealing' with depression. . Massage therapy increases self-esteem, improves your mood, decreases depression, reduces anxiety, and quiets insomnia. Massage also can ease PMS symptoms.

    6. Accelerated Healing

    Massage therapy speeds healing of muscles, tissues, and skin. Thus sports massage is used and great for post-workouts, post-surgery, and muscle soreness in general.

    7. Increased Flexibility/Mobility

    Massage therapy is perfect for people who workout, are physically fit, those who are athletes, elderly, and even pre/post surgery. Massage is wonderful for improving motor skills. Massage therapy also maintains posture in the skeletal system.

    8. Removing built up toxins

    Massage flushes away waste products from your muscles, tissues, and skin more easily. This helps digestive disorders (such as spastic colon, constipation and intestinal gas).

    9. Improving and Maintaining Skin Tone

    Massage therapy stimulates skin gland production, leaving clear, healthy skin. Massage to the skin also helps to reduce superficial scar tissue, improving skin condition(s).

    10. Better overall health investment, maintenance of optimal health

    In summary:

    Regular massage will make you look and feel years younger! Massage therapy is so much more than a luxurious way to relax. It is a wise investment in your health and being. Massage certainly should be regarded as proof to your dedication towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
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